Never would I have imagined creating a blog would take days. Not for lack of thoughts...oh no, deciding on a name! Who would have thought there are so many "Joys" in the world. But with perseverance and encouragement from my friend...thanks Sharyn, here I am. I wanted to share the many joys that i truly enjoy such as counted cross stitch samplers...thus the "counting". There is a little bit of joy in every one's only has to open a greeting card to verify that. And with a fondness, I remember my dad calling me "little bit". Oh my gosh, did I some how hit on a name?! My hope is to pass on my delights of stitching, gardening, family and friends. I know I have a lot to learn in this new world of blogging and hope to learn quickly. There appears to be so many wonderful people in this world of blogging so I'm jumping in!
With the thought anyone would stitch a design over and over...let alone seven times! This is not my stitching and I normally don't share the stitching of others. Although, I did finish the witch seven times. No, I won't stitch a bowl of wee witches, but I would stitch more than one if I knew who the designer was. Do you stitch a design more than once?
Welcome, my dear friend!
Sharyn :-)