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New Year...New stitching

Stitching has been on my mind a lot lately...something to keep from reclining on the sofa. I didn't realize I had so many Christmas pieces, some of which remain out all year. Looking for the patterns to identify each photo, at least six wonderful Scarlett Letter Samplers, already kitted, were found. Not to mention the numerous other patterns that are favorites! With the inspiration of various blogs and encouragement from my stitching friends, I hope to spend more time counting stitches in this New Year.
Prairie Schooler and Needl' Love Santas along with a few friends. Why did I think I could not stitch on linen?

" P A Christmas Sampler" by Goode Huswife.

A very old Heinzet Christmas pattern along with Scarlett Letter's "Antique Alphabet Sampler".

Small piece from BBD "Peppermint & Holly". This was a joint jewel of a friend had 2 of these small frames in her stash and I had the fabric. So we stitched this piece for each other.

Designs by LHN found in JCS magazine.

Small sampler from Ewe & Eye, as well as Shepherd Bush stocking patterns.

I believe this is another Goode Huswife design. This frame is so wonderful I've stitched other pieces to fit the frame and season.

And thanks to Heartstring Primitives for this wonderful free graph. It's my start for 2010.
Happy New Year...may you enjoy countless hours of stitching!


Dora said…
I enjoyed your "tour" of some of your wonderful stitched pieces. Hope to see your progress on your 2010 start.
dana said…
Hi Joy,

What a great post....I loved seeing all of your projects and reading about them. As I told you, I'm not much of a stitcher. I was great about starting many projects, but terrible about finishing them...with the exception of one Santa. The very same Santa you have in your first photo...the one holding the dove. I loved it many years ago when I first saw the pattern and I still love it when I pull him out each year. I have him in a reddish I bought at Salt Box all time favorite store.

You are an inspiration to me....I just might have to dig out my stitchin' supplies again! Especially since we find ourselves Snowbound...again!

Kim said…
Hi Joy!!!!

I love all the pictures you have posted, especially th PA Christmas Sampler! You have alot of beautiful needlwork you have stitched up. I always think that our hands are so very wonderful, thst we are able to do something we love and enjoy so much, plus all the cooking and care and gardening and all the many other things we do with our hands! Thanks to God for giving us hands!!!!

With Best Wishes~
Joy said…
Thank you for your kind words...just reminds me how much more I want to stitch. And Dana, I too loved the Salt Box Sampler! Did you know I taught and worked there years ago?!

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