Number two "grand" girl has a birthday...can she really be seven?! Although she and her big sister are equally wonderful, she is so very different. She is an independent, lovely, creative child. There has been mention she is much like her "grammie" bringing moans and rolling of the eyes from some, but a little smile from me. Of course I'm prejudice, but when telling her I thought she was creative...her reply, "Yes, I know...I'm going to be a designer." Designer? Of what? "Oh, it doesn't matter...there's a lot to be designed." And much to my delight, she's ready for me to help her stitch a sampler. Perhaps, she will design her own sampler one day.
Definitely, Papa's "buddy"!
Fashion is quite important at seven don't you agree?
Definitely, Papa's "buddy"!
Fashion is quite important at seven don't you agree?