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How many pages some patterns have. For over two years I have wanted to stitch Elizabeth Savilles. About this time last year, I actually thought I would. What's the hangup you ask? Over 12 pages of pattern! I've never been one to like charts that were not all on one page...I want to see it at a glance. Call me after page is just too daunting.

After seeing Laurie's lovely finish of this sampler, I contacted her and asked her how she tackled the pattern. She doesn't seem to have a problem with "multiple page" charts and suggested I try making mine into one page. While setting on the patio in the breeze, I did just that. I don't know which was crazier...piecing together the pages outdoors or the size of the end result?! Then today while visiting with a fellow stitcher, I discover she doesn't mind stitching from multiple pages either. How crazy is that?
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to "forge" ahead on my error filled stitching, "Spring Tyme" Sampler is complete and "Ann Carter"...well, she is going back into the basket for awhile...she's driving me crazy. So with cool rainy weather in the forecast, perhaps it's time to begin Elizabeth.
"I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane."


Beth said…
I think multiple pages can be daunting - as I'm left handed and I stitch using reading the chart upside down, I'm not one to say anything about anyone else's foibles! Love Primitive Spring!
Karen said…
Your "single" page is too funny... but if it works for you why not!

Love your Spring Thyme finish...just too cute.
Andrea said…
Um, mutlitple pages, not a fan. I'd rather see the whole thing on one page. I just got Ann Grant last week, yep, multiple pages. Oh well. I see tape in my future. Whatever works, right?
barbara said…
Multiple pages give me a brain hiccup, too. I also tape them together.
Kim said…
I have always been a 1 page girl myself!!! lol But I am working on a four page pattern right now (Isabella Johnstone) and it is coming along just fine. That shaded overlap area really does work! I am wanting to do some larger Samplers, and they seem to have alot of pages...Good Luck!
Deb said…
I was always a one page girl myself, but then I got into doing some Scarlett Letter charts and they were huge, so I've gotten used to working on one page at a time and actually like it better. I guess it just takes some getting used to.
BitsAndPieces said…
Really sweet piece of stitchery, Joy. Love your darling rabbit with the daffodils. Is he made of iron?

Laurie in Iowa said…
Congrats on forging ahead and finishing your Spring Thyme sampler. It's such a sweet sampler.
YGG... so glad you're going ahead with Elizabeth Savilles. You now have a bedspread sized chart to work from... but you can see the entire chart.
IMHO everyone should do what suits them best... as long as those needles keep moving.
Melissa said…
Joy, your Spring Thyme sampler looks wonderful. Who can tell there's an error? Not moi.

I had problems with Elizabeth Saville and put it aside. I will restart brand new one day with new fibers. The multi page did bother me but that was about 2 or 3 years ago and now I am more familiar with doing that. With Elizabeth though I am going to sketch a "map" with a grid that tells me which page goes where and I think that will help me "navigate".

Have fun with Elizabeth! (Starting top left if I remember correctly!)
Sharyn said…
You made a great start on Elizabeth today, Joy! Bet you are even farther with an evening of stitching during the rain!
Your Spring Thyme piece is lovely!
I love it:) I would have to do the same thing. It looks so much more do-able as one page.
Your spring thyme looks so sweet.
primitivebettys said…
Joy, you do lovely work. Thank you for stitching & sharing. I'm headed over to my blog to post ~*Friday Finishes*~ now. Have a beautiful day!

Kimmie said…
Spring Tyme turned out great!!!!! Good job!

I'm at a complete stitching standstill. I think it's all the school projects, baseball practices, and sometimes nice weather. I can't concentrate. LOL
Dora said…
Spring Tyme is beautiful and you always find the best frames!
Nancy said…
I don't think that multiple pages bother me. I think that I'm an extremely good "compartmentalier". :-)
Siobhán said…
I'm working on Scarlet Letter charts that have multiple pages. I'm better with them than big charts with teensy tiny symbols. I need to see it all together, though, especially when the symbols overlap. Elizabeth will be worth it, though! I was searching through my stash and came across the threads I'd ordered for my Elizabeth three years ago. Gulp. I NEED to stitch it!

Love your framed piece! Beautiful.
marly said…
I don't like the multiple pages, mostly because I don't use a hoop to stitch one area at a time. I stitch all the way across, line by line, which is a pain! The larger symbols are a plus though. I would like to try doing a page at a day....maybe it wouldn't be as tedious.

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