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In the Middle with You" "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am..."

Lyrics, having little to no meaning personally, run through my head constantly these day! Why? I don't know. Maybe the clowns and jokers are the multitude of rude people outside my surroundings. And Elizabeth has me stuck...I can't seem to pick her up or just move on. What is it?

Am I spending too much time in the garden...tell me?
Stuck in the Middle or Running with Scissors?


barbara said…
If that's how you hang out in the garden, may I join you? ;)
gracie said…
I need to come to yur garden...cause I am having one of those days....
Joy said…
Any time!! We won't get a lot of stitching accomplished however.
Margaret said…
You're so funny! lol! Your Elizabeth is gorgeous -- hope you can motivate yourself to finish her soon.
Andrea said…
Gosh, Elizabeth is just gorgeous! You've gotten so much done on her, way to go!
You are too funny with the song lyrics....I do the very same thing, lol!
Hope you have a Happy 4th weekend...I have a child flying the nest very soon, and birthdays coming up, so I'll be busy :)
marly said…
Enjoy your garden and the weather. Elizabeth will wait for you!!
Beth Twist said…
Is that a local wine? I am seriously jealous of that label. :)
Melissa said…
Oh, is THAT what you are supposed to do in the garden? Maybe I should sip some of that instead of pulling weeds out there!!!

Your Elizabeth is looking just great! You are so close to getting her finished, Joy! I'm cheering for you!
KarenV said…
Sorry you're stuck on Elizabeth - she's looking so pretty! Gardens are definitely meant for relaxing in :)
Sandra said…
Hi Joy,
I cannot believe you found a wine named "Running With Scissors". That is great. I am going to have to have that. The label is a must.
I agree with everyone else, I want to join you in your garden. What fun that would be.
Many Happy Stitches,
Homespun Elegance
Nancy said…
The garden party you could be having! I have a theory that every comment is able to be related to a song lyric, a poem, or some other quotable "thing". When I taught the kids never could get "it". Of course, they didn't have enough experience to figure out the connections. Six degrees of everything! :-)
Deb said…
I do like your idea of a garden party! I'll be right over. I think that it's funny that a lot of situations make songs just magically start going through your head. I hope that you get back to Eliabeth soon - she is a beauty.
Kim said…
Elizabeth is so close to being done, you'll get back to her!! Maybe after the Holiday and a couple bottles of the wine!! lol

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