In the Middle with You" "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am..."
Lyrics, having little to no meaning personally, run through my head constantly these day! Why? I don't know. Maybe the clowns and jokers are the multitude of rude people outside my surroundings. And Elizabeth has me stuck...I can't seem to pick her up or just move on. What is it?

You are too funny with the song lyrics....I do the very same thing, lol!
Hope you have a Happy 4th weekend...I have a child flying the nest very soon, and birthdays coming up, so I'll be busy :)
Your Elizabeth is looking just great! You are so close to getting her finished, Joy! I'm cheering for you!
I cannot believe you found a wine named "Running With Scissors". That is great. I am going to have to have that. The label is a must.
I agree with everyone else, I want to join you in your garden. What fun that would be.
Many Happy Stitches,
Homespun Elegance