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Because I Say So...

It's Fall. Even though the calendar doesn't say Fall, I do! We are having temperatures in the 70's and it just feels like a new season. The decorating has begun...remember my "deer tray" from Christmas...well, now it's Fall. I love it!! And I love decorating through out the house--this must be my favorite time of the year.
And anything that has the word Pumpkin on it, has to be good...right!?
What says Fall to you?


barbara said…
That is an excellent beer, I can assure you! LOL!
Oh yum, pumpkin been. Be still my heart. Love your tray of pumpkins too. Enjoy decorating and your beer too :)
Laurie in Iowa said…
I love fall and fall decorating too. It was in the high 40s this morning... so fall is on the way.
gracie said…
Fall? Here in Arizona lower temps again say
Melissa said…
Love your collection of pumpkins! I am seriously wanting pumpkin pincushions now! ... and a glass of that ale wouldn't be bad either!

Fall means coziness to me!
Anonymous said…
Whaaaat no beer party.. or was I just not invited? ;) HAPPY FALL!!!
Sherry :o) said…
I think your pumpkins are way cool! The smell when it gets cool outside is one of my cues for autumn.
marly said…
Love your pumpkins. I know it's fall when I get really snarky because the weather gets cool.
Michelle said…
I'm ready for Fall too! Love your little pumpkins!!
Siobhán said…
I love your pumpkins!! Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale--sounds interesting!

Autumn is the changing of color on the trees and hunkering down under a blanket and stitching. Ahhhh, fall.
Dona said…
Your fall vignette is so pretty! I love fall, too; it's my favorite. I love the smell of the air, crisp blue sky, color of the trees, leaving the windows open, and stitching while watching college football!
edie said…
Joy, your pumpkins are beautiful! Love, love, love, the big white one, did you make it???? Have you done your window boxes yet?

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