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First Fridays...

Are always fun and filled with new adventure. There are so many places to visit in and around the Kansas City area, one of them being the Kansas City Garment District Museum.
Although there were many lovely garments on display, the hand made hats drew me in. When was the last time you wore a hat?

Was your favorite adorned with plastic fruit?

A favorite brooch?

Or jewels of the heart?

After the tour, a little antiquing in the west bottoms, dinner at Manny's, a stroll through a couple of art galleries, with an ending of Christopher Elbow chocolates. Port Wine Fig and Venezuelan Spice, chosen strictly by appearance, proved to sweet choices.
Can the rest of the weekend be sweeter?


Melissa said…
Joy, it looks like you're off to a great weekend! What fun those hats are! But I especially like those chocolates!

Hope the rest of the weekend is just as sweet!
marly said…
Back in the dark ages, my aunts would never be without a hat, pumps, and gloves when attending a function or taking a trip. They were so upset when they saw flip flops, sweats, and cut-offs on planes!!
Margaret said…
Love it!! What a lovely post! That chocolate looks amazing too!
Nancy said…
I enjoyed your post. Your words are so pleasant to read, and it sounds like you had a wonderful time! I love those hats! I have a few I purchased at estate sales, and they are so fun to look at.
Anonymous said…
I'm craving a Venezuelan Spice right now!! What a FFF!!!
Penny said…
What lovely hats! I've always had an aversion to wearing one myself ~ might have something to do with being chased by my grandmother in the winter, begging me to wear one. I'm sure the kids at the bus stop thought it was hilarious. :) The chocolates look fancy and delicious!
Michelle said…
Oh what fun! I used to love trying on hats at the department stores when I was young. Those chocolates look scrumptious!
Siobhán said…
What a fun weekend! I love hats--I wish it was still in style to wear them, even if I do have a bobble sized head. LOL

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