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Wishing you...

Many of you are posting photos of your beautiful finishes for the Year 2011 or your plans for the coming year.  I look back and think, not a lot of stitching took place.  Yet, with all it's challenges, the year was indeed one to hold dear.  One has only to review their blog to see all the "joys" life gives.  Spending time with family and friends are the true "jewel" in each of our lives.  I've never made New Year's Resolutions, however in 2012, I am going to wish for more patience.

Whatever you wish for, may you know Peace, Love & Joy!


Margaret said…
I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year full of joy!
Laurie in Iowa said…
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
P&L... D
Nicola said…
I like the thought of wishing rather than making resolutions xxx
Dona said…
Happy New Year! I hope it brings you many blessings and few worries!

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