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Sounds so much better than clutter, mess, total disaster...don't you think?  And this is just a very small spot in my "play" room.  All this for one little tag!  No storage space, my excuse for not having an organized room.  After all, isn't that what the floor is for?!?!  Well thanks to my thrifty side kick, there is now a great cabinet that will contain and hide the workings of my mind.  The goal is to clean and purge before even bring the new purchase into the space.  Wish me luck!
Do you create in clutter?


Nicola said…
There is nothing wrong with organised clutter but only in the sewing room.

I hate it when you tidy up an cant find anything.
Siobhán said…
Alas, I don't have my own space so I can't spread my clutter about--but yeah, organized chaos is what I call where I do have my stuff, packed in drawers, etc.!
Beth said…
Clutter - is there any othe way to be creative? Give me a flat space and I'll set stuff (lots of stuff) on it.
Margaret said…
Yes. Simple. lol! But I don't have a room of my own to mess up. Wish I did!
Laurie in Iowa said…
Yes... it's amazing how quickly our 'stuff' gets out of control. Have fun organizing.
dixiesamplar said…
Honestly, having your own room or space for your stitching doesn't always mean it won't be cluttered, LOL! I have a huge studio, but still manage to make a royal mess of it when I am in the "fog of creativity" as my family calls it...they claim it refers to the dust I leave in my wake when I get on a roll, WHATEVER, LOL!

Can't wait to see your new cabinet!
Melissa said…
Oh Gosh Yes! You can't go through Life, have Fun, and not create clutter! As long as the clutter doesn't start taking over your life, it's fine. It's Creative Clutter!

Good luck, Joy!
jewel said…
hahaha... i think you know my answer to that!! ;)
Andrea said…
Ha! You don't even want to know, lol! I'm the biggest messer when crafting. It's embarrassing, lol!
Sharyn said…
I have a cabinet, storage boxes and rolling cart storage in my computer/ craft room and still have clutter! Just too much stash!
Nancy said…
Yes I do create in clutter, but I hope one day to have a beautiful, organized crafting room!
Penny said…
I have the spare bedroom for my stitching things and boy is it a mess most of the time. :) I did try and straighten things for the new year, but all it takes is looking for one thing to throw it all back into chaos. Right now I'm actually finding comfort in my mess. :)
Dona said…
Clutter has a way of spreading itself everywhere! It's great that you now have a good storage space for it!

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