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By my morning walk in the garden.  I'm sure we just welcomed in the Fall Equinox...yet as you can see, a little of every season was found.

It is Fall, isn't it?


Siobhán said…
Wow, such pretties! At this stage, I think the only thing found in my garden are slugs and weeds. LOL
Margaret said…
Oh my! Is that lilacs? Well that's a confused plant for sure! Lovely though!
Nancy said…
The Arum is coming back up in ours. The JPPRPP is gorgeous. It loves sitting under the tree for the summer. Need a little more summer/fall to get the fish pond project farther along. :-)
Nicola said…
My garden has been confused all year.
Deb said…
If those are lilacs, then that bush is definitely confused. But it's been confusing weather this year - we've already had frost!
barbara said…
I love the juxtaposition! Mother Nature's allowed to be undecided, too. ;)
Kimmie said…
It is in Indiana....sort of....trees are still really green....hmmmmmmm....yep. Confused.
Geneva said…
We've had similar confusion here... I like it though. Your photograph is beautiful Joy!

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