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Leaves falling all around...

And I still miss this lovely tree.  As some of you may recall, last year the difficult decision to remove our "anniversary tree" was made.  That decision was certainly not easy, but for a number of reasons, just had to be done.

Resulting in no tree and a bare front yard.

With a hot and dry summer, the front became nothing more than an eye sore.  Do you know how difficult it is to pull into your garage with your eyes shut?!  Inspiration, guidance and woman power begets a new front garden.

It isn't easy landscaping an incline, especially one with tree roots.  However, it can be done.

The neighbors drive by, stop and say, "Looks good", "Different", "Lots of work"....Really, what can they say?  I just don't think they one does much to their yards around here.  Wonder what's said about the purple table setting in the midst of all??!!  

Frost is coming soon and one more plant to get in the ground (providing no more jump into my cart) so that may be it until next spring.  Guess I can dream and plan and maybe even think how I will work with my fanny not in the air...that so bothers the guy around here.

Any suggestions?


Margaret said…
So sad about your anniversary tree. I'm not a gardener, so I admire anyone who can landscape and dream and plan like you are doing. Looks good to me!
Deb said…
That is so sad about your tree. I think that for other parts of the lawn/garden, this summer has been just brutal. I lost quite a few things. No suggestions as I'm not really a gardner either, but what you've done looks great so far.
Kimmie said…
I like it!!! You'll be able to plant more stuff in the spring. I have a thing for hostas. They grow and spread out. Or maybe day-lilies?
Nicola said…
Such a shame but you must be getting loads more light into the house. Your landscaping is looking good.
Laurie in Iowa said…
So sorry you had to remove your anniversary tree. I understand the pain as I had to have my big old white pine removed. This year has been brutal on everyone's gardens and trees. Your landscaping is looking good... don't give up!
Anonymous said…
Most men love a gardener with her butt in the air!! ;) Can't wait to see the newest additions in person! p&l
Nancy said…
Mourning the tree is acceptable (and required) by our old druid souls. Dreaming is amazing. Let me know if we need to build something. I still need to take a look at the gate. :-)
Joy said…
jewel, i wondered if anyone would comment on the fanny in the and nancy, the gate has come off the hinges..almost.
Patty C. said…
That was a beautiful tree - but you still have the memories :)

So nice to have neighbors that care about their yards -
BitsAndPieces said…
Joy, hate you had to lose your special tree,
but I like
the more open view
of your house in photo #2.
Also liked the warm and inviting color on the exterior
of your home...and that star!
Keep on planning and dreaming 'cause you're doing
a great job. Your home says "WELCOME."

Hugs, Sandy
Dona said…
It was a beautiful tree and it sad to lose a good tree, but it has really opened up the front of your house! I love the color and that star.
Siobhán said…
So sad about your tree, Joy! It was a beauty. Your house does look lovely with the open view, though. Good luck with the new landscaping.
Anne said…
Awww, beautiful tree...but I see how it had to be done. Light in a house is important. Liking the new landscaping so far!!

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