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You've got to have soul...

To dance with squirrels...don't  you think?  Or at least one very good "witchy" friend to join you.  Fancey Blackett & the Harvest Dance" by Pineberry Lane was finished over a year ago.  Having found a frame in the stash, it is ready to share.  Fun finish, fun frame and fun friend!

Thank you all for stopping by and not giving up on me.  I will get back into the groove someday.  Just know your comments are read and appreciated.

By the way, just when does one dance with squirrels?


Giovanna said…
Such a cute finish, and perfect frame. Congrats!
Margaret said…
Oh I love this one! The frame is perfect for it!
Siobhán said…
Yeay for Fancey! I love this piece, and your frame is perfect!
Laurie in Iowa said…
I love this design and the frame is perfect.
Nicola said…
The design and frame are perfect for each other. One to be proud of.
Robin said…
I think I need to add this to my wish list. It looks like a fun piece and it has squirrels in is sure to find its way to my house.
Krista said…
Congrats on your new finish! What a fun design :)
Chris said…
Beautiful finish. Hmmm..anytime that you are working out in the yard?
BitsAndPieces said…
Love the colors in this fun design.
I smile just looking at it. Great job!

Carol said…
Oh, is that ever adorable, Joy--I really love it!!
Sharon said…
Great finish and framing!
Charlene ♥ NC said…
Hey, Soul "Stitching" Sister! I do love Fancey Blackett, but just haven't started that collection yet (seems to be one of few). Great finish.
Nancy said…
One of the local "folk" bands used to play a song about "dancing with bears". Another sang about "dancing bunnies". Nothing about dancing with squirrels. :-)
Beautiful!!! Love your blog!!!
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