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Not even...

The car being towed twice (in shop 4 times at 2 different locations) and flat tire on second car is going to make for a stressful holiday.  After all, there's been...


Tree trimming

Christmas program

Finish work for friends

Not to mention shopping and the list of to do's.  And yes, even a few cards mailed!  Stress is not in the vocabulary...if it isn't finished, it will not be the end of the world.  I have however, been re-thinking blogging. To blog or not? No stress, I will think about it later.  Thanking you for stopping by and please know, much pleasure and even knowledge is gained while visiting your blogs.

How about you are you stressing or taking time to enjoy the Spirit of the Season?


Melissa said…
Hello, Joy! It's lovely to see you too! I know what you mean about to blog or not to blog. I've had the longest hiatus yet and I missed it, plus the fact that it would support my stitching. They go hand in hand for me I think.

I love your Santas and your decorations!

Now that I have had a couple of just rest days I am feeling better and ready to catch up with baking etc. It's crazy but getting the rest meant I was feeling a bit less stressed!

Merry Christmas to you, my friend!
BitsAndPieces said…
Hi Joy,
Enjoyed your post and
lovely pictures. This year
I'm trying extra hard
to cherish moments and
chase away stress.
Sometimes my mood is
not as merry as I'd like,
but I'm coping
because of the many
blessings I do have.
Merry Christmas, Joy,
and I hope you continue to blog.
Hugs, Sandy
P.J. said…
Happy Joy, joy. Sorry to hear of your recent misadventures. I guess life would just be too dull without them, although I prefer less of them myself. Haha. Blogging should be fun, without pressure. I am still new at this, just a year and a half. I enjoy sharing with you all that have the same passion of stitching, but I get to it when I get to it. :-) I hope you continue to share on your blog when you can. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Keep on stitching.
Quiltsmiles said…
With all the recent car worries, I'm sure an easier path is coming your way. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of the season.
With all that busy(ness), don't forget to breathe and blog when you feel like it or can. No pressure here, but I do enjoy the bloggy friendship. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. Jane
Margaret said…
Oh wow, such a bummer about the cars! It's good to take it slow and not stress. Like you said, it's not awful if it doesn't get done. I will miss you if you don't blog. I hope you decide to continue. Just no stress involved. Blog when you feel like it and don't when you don't. Works for me! I hope you have a happy Christmas!
marly said…
Blog baby! Even if it's only once a month. Sorry about the car issues. Hope you enjoy the holidays!
Sorry your car is having some Holiday stress.. lol Hope you keep blogging. Merry Christmas!!
Chris said…
Merry Chrismas Joy!
Beautiful finishing and decorating and family.
Nancy said…
Over here I'm just lazing along like usual. :-)
Nicola said…
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through

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