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A little randomness before turning the page to a new month.  My pledge...please note, not a resolution...this year was to find a little joy in each day and clear the clutter that's accumulated over the past 36 years!  Little did I know how much work was involved.  Most days have been lovely, especially those spent with friends and family.  However, one cannot stitch or be on a computer while purging.  Instead of the home being full, the bins at the thrift store are.  When I do come up for air, this is what's seen.

Unique Christmas morning alarm.

Lovely one to dine with...wonder why?

Small gift of stitching...adaptation from Blackbird Designs "Peppermint & Holly."

Thank you to each and every one for stopping by and saying "Hello"'s always nice to hear from you.  Here's hoping your days in this still new 2013 are filled with what ever makes you happy!

Just how are you filling your days?


Margaret said…
I love that Christmas alarm! lolol! So cute! Good for you for clearing out the clutter -- I so need to do that. And we've only accumulated for 19 years. lol! Love that BBD adaptation -- pretty!
Laurie in Iowa said…
Love your Noel piece... so sweet. Congrats on cleaning out the clutter.
Giovanna said…
Very pretty Noel piece!
Charlene ♥ NC said…
Congrats on keeping up your pledge. I need to do some de-cluttering, and keep saying I will... Your BBD adaptation is really pretty!
BitsAndPieces said…
Hi Joy,
I'm also trying to declutter. It's hard for me
to decide what stays and what goes.
Happiness and peace to you, too!

gracie said…
I keep thinking I should weed out the patterns...but then I find something else to do!
Siobhán said…
Sweet BBD piece! I hear you on trying to weed out. We constantly try to do this but I swear the stuff multiplies at night.
Anonymous said…
LOVE the stitching! ;) and... I would sit out there and dine with you!!
Nicola said…
I loved this post. Your Christmas Day alarm call made me chuckle and brought back some memories

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