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Needle and thread. . .

Have been passions of mine as far back as I can remember.  Starting with embroidering pillow cases under the shade trees.  Yes,  I was quite young and there was no air conditioning.  From there, high school economics introduced me to sewing machines.   It was so exciting to purchase my very own Singer for $88.  That purchase came with additional sewing lessons as well as the responsibility of making monthly payments.  

Then came counted cross stitch...wish I could remember how that interest evolved.  I'm not even certain how finishing for others came about?  Never the less, the good fortune of having clients throughout the country, has brought hours of pleasure here.  Thank you all for entrusting me with your lovely stitching.

With Christmas behind us, I will be sharing some of the finishing bFinely Finished.  So many were Christmas gifts and were to be kept secret until after gifting.

 Sewing "needfuls" seemed to be popular with many stitchers.

It's always good to hear from you...

Do you remember how you came to love needlework?


gracie said…
Oh yes indeed. My aunti Lucy taught me to crochet during the summer and I was 7 years grew from there!
Geneva said…
How neat that you can share your passion with others. Your work is beautiful and timeless.
BitsAndPieces said…
You do such lovely work, Joy. My mother gave me
my first lessons in embroidery, and my grandmother
tried to teach me to crochet. But I failed miserably
at both. However, I admire those who do beautiful
needlework. Thank you for leaving comments now
and then on my blog. If not for you, I don't think I
would ever have a comment! Happy New Year!
Lovely finished finishes, Joy! Let's see, I learned basic embroidery, "chicken scratch", and crewel through Girl Scouts. I learned to do basic sewing (including drawstring tops and elastic waist skirts) in 7th grade home ec. class. One of the girls who lived on my dorm floor at college taught me to cross stitch (and she didn't realize that she was creating a stitching monster). Wishing you a peaceful New Year!
Chris said…
What gorgeous pieces!!
I love them all.
My Mom did all kinds of needlework, I remember her doing more needlepoint than cross stitch. I kind of picked up cross stitch on my own with those little perforated paper Santa kits. Then I became part of a stitching group......
Happy New Year!
Margaret said…
Everything is beautiful! You are a good finisher. I think crafts have been a part of my life since childhood. My mother was a crafter too, and she passed her love along to me. Cross stitch was introduced to me by my friends when I was just married and new to our neighborhood. I learned that and also quilting from these friends. Knitting was from my mom.
Carol said…
Oh, your clients must be thrilled with your finishing, Joy!! I especially love the drum pincushion--what a beauty! I think my love of stitching must have come from my mom's mom--she did the most beautiful smocking and could make a dress for anyone based on just looking at them. Really amazing! I am all self-taught, not perfect, but good enough :)

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