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Do I find you. . .

Still blogging?  Or have you gone to Instagram, Facebook and the many other social media sites?  Have we become so busy there's no time to blog, let alone read blogs?  I'm certainly guilty of not posting.  I want to and think of it often.  But do I?  No.  Am I that busy?  No, at least not every day of the week.  And last time I looked, there were still seven days in a week.

This summer I was on the beach of Gulf Shores, AL.  Great friends, great food and relaxing time to say the least.

Another concert to see Sir Paul.  

Of course, there was time with these two.  One now a senior and one in eighth grade.

A little time in the garden.

And then there's Finely Finished.  Finishing the needlework of fellow stitchers has not only become a passion, but a blessing too.

That's where I've been, now tell me. . .

Where will I find you?


Good morning, Joy! It sounds like you had a lovely summer. Thank you for the pictures; the girls are certainly growing up. Your finishing work is fabulous. You will find me reading blogs, but I still haven't jumped on the FB wagon. Have a blessed day!
Margaret said…
Isn't it true? I think somehow everything is time time time. And blogging takes more time than just posting a picture on instagram. So our blogs tend to be neglected. I know the last time I blogged, it took me a long while to get up the energy to do it -- lots of pictures, etc. But with instagram -- boom. You're done. lol! Yup, instagram is my thing! But I still blog, just not as often!

I enjoyed your summary of your summer. Yay Paul! lol!
I am posting on IG but have been posting once in a while on my blog too. IG is great but I don't learn from it. A blog post provides more. Plus there are still some friends who aren't on IG. I still enjoy reading blogs and have remained faithful to doing so. Beautiful finishes and the kids are adorable!
Beth said…
I am Old School, still blogging. Following all the forms of social media takes far too much time. Have to pick and chose.
gracie said…
I am still blogging....the girls are looking so grown up....
Carol said…
I am still blogging, but seem to be doing so less often. It does take a lot of time and then there is the reading of other blogs and the commenting which also takes time. IG is fun and I just joined in July, but I don't see the relationships forming that I've found through blogging. It is great seeing everyone's stitching from all over the world that I don't find through blogging--especially the Japanese and Russian stitchers.

Love your finishing, as always--and I'm glad you had such a nice trip and visit with your sweet granddaughters :)
A wonderful summer! The girls are so beautiful and are really growing up. I have never been to Gulf Shores but I've heard how beautiful it is. Sounds like fun! Your finishing is beautiful!
BitsAndPieces said…
Joy, I just discovered your new post. Loved it!
You are so right about TIME. There never seems
to be enough. I'm still blogging, but not as much.
I enjoy FB and IG and visit a few blogs regularly.
Take care!

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