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December 35 years ago...

Having a son it was time to welcome a daughter into our home. No one could predict, in fact, if there was to be girl...but I knew. She was due December 21st and since my dad's birthday was the 23rd, we all thought that would be a good arrival date. Preparing for Christmas and having an energetic "little boy" in the house, excitement was certainly in the air. By the second week of December, we were ready. So much so, the "little boy" and the bus driver knew if our front door was closed, he was to go straight to the neighbor's house. Interesting how we remember different events in our 10a.m. I knew my body was telling me to call the doctor. Having been there the day before, the doctor says "you have a couple more days but come in anyway". Arriving at the office in record time, he sends me directly to the hospital...thank goodness there was not a lot of traveling 11:59a.m. there was indeed a baby girl in our lives. What's wrong? Should there be this silence? Doctors and nurses scurrying every where, one quick look for me and she was whisked away to Children's Mercy Hospital. My heart was full of worry and fear even though everyone assured me she would be fine. An early evening ice storm arrives and no one even comes to visit me that cold lonely night. It was a night filled with worry and disbelief. Why would a nurse argue with me over the spelling of her name? J a i m e...that's how I want it spelled and she proceeds to tell me "that's wrong". Well maybe she was a little right...sorry Jaime, I know there were many times you had to spell your name over and over. By noon on December 21st, I finally made it to her hospital. Where was my beautiful daughter? Why would a hospital shave a baby's head? A kind doctor saw my panic and explained everything to me. Although her birth date is December 19th, it was not until January 7th I was able to hold her in my arms. What a grand day!!At 8 months old she still had little hair, but wasn't she beautiful?!?!

A happy little girl who sings like an angel.

Sad to say my daughter, my friend, lives 10 hours away and we are not able to share her birthdays. This will be the first, actually the second Christmas in 35 years we will be apart yet today I will count every treasured memory we have shared.
Happy Birthday you to the moon and always in my heart!


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