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The sofa may stay...

As I keep saying to my friends, "I'm going to have the movers come and take the sofa". For some reason, too much time is spent in the evenings laying on the sofa. So many samplers and so little time...they won't get stitched while on that sofa will they? Since Thanksgiving, the resident kitty has taken her share of the sofa. For me...I'm stitching again. Mind you this isn't a large piece, but it's stitched and given as a present.

This little sampler is just another example of "fitting" your stitching into an already made 5"x7" frame.

For a number of years, a stitching friend and I would get together and start a sampler on New Year's Eve. And until the wine took over, there was actually stitching! The pleasures of stitching are returning...hopefully old traditions will return.

What pleasures can you count today?


Dora said…
Your Christmas sampler is beautiful and the frame is just perfect for it. Did you design this lovely sampler?
~Merry Christmas~
Kim said…
Hi Joy!!!

I have been on my couch alot lately. My Mom passed away June 20, 2009 and I am having a hard time with my deep sorrow. I am trying to do my best for my 13 yr old son, Noah....but it has been a struggle. Mom has spent the night with us on Christmas Eve for over 20yrs, even before my son was born and she is sadly missed. I am still grateful and humble for all things in my life, but this is going to take a long time, my life is forever changed and I am now a Motherless daughter.....I love my Mom very deeply..........
Joy said…
Dora, I did not design the sampler. It is by Merry Cox and I believe I found it in a 2000 issue of JCS magazine.

Kim, Peace be with you...I will keep you in my thoughts.
Dora said…
Thank you kindly for the information. I have retrieved that JCS ornament issue and found it!! Many thanks!

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