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Is it so much easier to start a project than finish?! We talk about stitching...don't we "jewel"? And we put in a stitch here and there...thanks Sharyn. Yet still, boredom sets in and we move on to that new found "got to have". Okay, maybe the word "we" is to ease the guilt I often have when tiring of one piece and moving on to another. Really, I do want to finish these pieces but far too often I find an excuse to move on.

Could it be I really want to start this?

I have stitched this sweet little sampler by Sheepish Designs several times. This particular one was stitched for me instead!

This too is a fun little sampler...I believe it to be a Twisted Threads.

And one of my all time favorites by Blackbird Designs found in their "Fine Collections" book. Very Spring like!
Does it really matter why? LOL


Andrea said…
Oh, I love all of these!
You can say "we" with confidence...because there are many more of us out there with the same affliction. Startitis it's called? Or something like that, lol!
I recently decided that they "why" doesn't matter. :)
Kim said…
They are all so beautiful!!! Some are very close to being finished!!! I am working on some WIP's and I have decided I must finish (at least a few of them) before I move on!! But that could change at any given moment, as I fall in love quite often with all the needlework I view on all the blogs, but I enjoy looking at all the beautiful work that is shared!!! Thanks Joy, for sharing!!!
Beertje Zonn said…
They are all so beautiful!
Bear regards,

Beertje Zonn
Bear from the Netherlands

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