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Wonderful America...

It is, you know! I can remember a time when we celebrated America every day. It was a time to respect God, Home and Country. How proud I was to stand tall and recite the Pledge of Allegiance! We were taught to understand and appreciate our Country--our people, our resources, our ideals. We did not take for granted our democracy and how it works.

In today's world, we celebrate Flag Day...well, some of us...the Fourth of July and the arrival of Summer Fun. Stars and stripes are every where and many once again display the American Flag. Opening the front door every morning and seeing my Flag I'm reminded how much I love it and the Country it represents. Could that be why I'm drawn to cross stitch with a Flag theme?

"July's Celebration" from Blackbird Designs Fine Collection is a favorite among a collection of family flags.

Flags are even nice with redware..."Summer Pinkeeps" by Notforgotten Farms.

The next two pieces are very early Cricket Collection. I liked the flag from "Heart and Home"but not especially fond of the home. Stitching only the flag and adding the word Liberty with a star was perfect. It's difficult to photograph framed pieces covered with glass and the second piece, also a Cricket Collection, was hopeless. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

I don't think I will ever tire of "throwing" my stitching into my favorite wooden bowls and no, not every piece of stitching needs a frame or pillow! "With My Needle" by Blackbird Designs is a nice contrast against the crisp white linens.
America...wonderful, proud and true!


Andrea said…
Such wonderful stitching treasures Joy! I'm going to go back to my stitching closet right this minute and pull out that BBD and see about stitching that one! Yours is so lovely!
Thanks for the idea about putting finished stitching in bowls with other linens, I never would've thought about doing that! And gosh, I have tons of unframed or non pillowed stitching, lol!

Your With my Needle is so pretty. That's one of my very favorites :-)
Laurie in Iowa said…
Love all of your patriotic stitching Joy!
Kim said…
You have inspired me to stitch something patriotic!! All are so pretty!! Hoping to get some stitching done at the beach condo, we are leaving for Hilton Head today. Can't wait to smell the sea, and to hear the sound of the waves....
Dora said…
A lovely grouping of patriotic finishes.
Very nice, Joy.

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