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Can't believe my eyes..

Or should I say, why didn't I stay home? The weather is hot, not unlike most every where in the States, and people are rude or cranky. Is it really necessary to slap a small child in the middle of a retail store...or any where for that matter? Does anyone need to be loud and unruly (children and parents alike) while reeking havoc at the local convenience store...havoc as in pulling items from the shelves and walking away? Granted these actions did distract me from the new and lovely Country Homes Magazine (that's right it's back and it can be yours for a mere $12.99) and the uncertainty of the color choice for the outside of our home...after all it's been the same color for 30 years, why change now? And yet, it was all a little unbelievable for my eyes today.

On a lighter note...I can't believe this recent garden visitor allowed me to take several photos. Do you suppose he looked at me and said "I can't believe my eyes"?

My eyes are ready for reading or about yours?


Andrea said…
What a handsome dragonfly! We never see any that pretty around here, but I love dragonflies in all shapes and colors :)

Are you serious that Country Home is back and for $12.99 an issue? Oh my word. I loved that magazine so much, but wouldn't ever pay that much to read it again. I seem to recall that an entire year subscription was around $12!
Oh dear.

People are definitely grouchy in this hot weather. I avoid stores at all costs! I'd be appalled upon seeing a mother slap her child! How awful.

Stay cool and enjoy your stitching. I'm looking into finding that design, it's so gorgeous!
What is that bug? We've been seeing them at the local swimming hole. It's not a dragonfly, as they have 4 wings that cannot be 'folded up'. Is it a damsel fly? Do you know?? GREAT pictures of it!!
Andrea said…
Oh, I do believe you're right Barbara, I get them mixed up with dragonflies all the time. Maybe that's why I never see them around here, no water. Hmm, color me stupid, but I still love them.
Joy said…
I'm almost certain the "bug" is a damsel fly...isn't it beautiful. Let me know if I'm wrong about the price of the CH...I was in shock.

Andrea, I very rarely stich a design more than once...would be glad to pass it on, that is if you don't need it right away:)
Deb said…
Great pictures of the fly? I don't know what it is though. And I think that the heat is getting to everyone. If it doesn't make you act crazy, then it drains you right out.

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