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Or never put off till tomorrow what you can do today...isn't that what the saying is? Thinking the summer was work free, I've been strolling thru the days as though I have all the time in the world and can "get to it tomorrow". After all, school doesn't resume until mid August, right? And besides, with a multitude of outdoor home repairs that are quite noisy, how better to spend time off than shopping (no, not retail), lunch or coffee with family and friends. Way too much noise around here to stitch or read, too wet or hot to why not just have fun and leave everything till tomorrow!? Sad to say, I've been asked to sub the rest of the month and possibly summer. Oh how I wished there had been a little more stitching, reading and gardening...

Not to worry, I've managed to add to my book collection and picked up another wonderful Statue of Liberty, which I was assured "not made in China...possibly France". LOL

A few stitches after work each day should finish this newly started project.
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." Mark Twain Wasn't he a smart man...


Oh well, think of the extra money you'll have to buy thread and linen :)
Andrea said…
Aw, too bad you have to go back to work. But in the same vein as what Nan said, No Work, No Money, so you'll just have more cash for stash, lol!

I love that piece you're working on, what is the name of it? Gorgeous!
Very nice piece you are working on; who is the designer?
Joy said…
Too funny, Nan and Andrea...I have a "store" in my home! Mary, the pattern is "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Little House Needleworks.
Karen said…
Just found your blog and I love all of your stitching! You have so many beautiful stitched pieces...can't wait to see more.

Happy stitching....

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