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"Dear" abound...

When and how I became a collector of deer escapes me. However, the dear friend in my life, is certainly aware of my fondness for all things deer. Her talent in finding and presenting such treasures tops the list of deerlightful happiness.

Deer in all shapes and sizes.

Look closely...deer on the hanky and the lace surrounding it...just wonderful!

So many more details in this antique sugar bowl filled with wonderful trees, transformed from new green ones. A lovely antique glass dish filled with yummy chocolate covered mint sticks...Bogdon's Candy Company, made locally. A heart milagros and angel for my "Peace" corner. Small velvet pumpkin. Why you ask? It's setting on my favorite "Mexican Pumpkin" candle by Picwick & Co. candles...also local. Not too many would think to call the company to track down their off season scent! All this atop an old silver tray! Shhh...don't tell anyone...this is my Christmas, all thanks to a dear jewel!

Do you have a dear or deer friend in your life?


gracie said…
Merry Christmas from my home to yours....
Patty C. said…
Beautiful Blog
Merry Christmas
Andrea said…
Oh Joy, that's just the sweetest display ever! I love it and the friend that you have that gave it to you!
This year I have found out who my real DEAR friends know my struggle. I will give you an update in a private email later on, if you're interested.
After the most recent incident, it's become apparent... those deer...have always loved deer, but only have one or two in my collection.
Merry Christmas Joy!
Anonymous said…
Did it begin before the deer in the oval frame? We need to know when this deer madness all started!!

Merry Christmas to you and the man beast. ; )
Siobhán said…
How neat!! I love the display. I find deer to be so elegant. They freak me out a bit when I see the caution signs while driving, alerting drivers that they might cross the road, but otherwise--they are so pretty!

Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas.
BitsAndPieces said…
What a lovely assortment! Joy, I also like deer and have a few on display. Thank goodness for dear friends who understand us. I ran across this quote the other day -

Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had other goods. -Aristotle

Merry Christmas
Sherry :o) said…
My sisters, mom and I have a deer collection - each - but they are ugly deer. My mom bought each of us one years ago and we all thought they weren't that attractive - so now there is the contest to find the "best" one each year. It's something my dad encouraged and now that he's gone, we laugh about all the one's from year's past - mostly because my dad loved them! We certainly have a herd of deer.

Your deer would not qualify - I love the lace!

Merry Christmas!
barbara said…
What an exquisite display!!

Wishing you many ho-ho-ho's throughout the days of Christmas and New Year!!
Kim said…
Wonderful!!! and oh my how very thoughtful! So cool to gather all of those deer for you!!!! Nice!! Happy New Year Joy!

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