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The light goes dim...

Tonight at midnight, bringing the Year 2010 to an end. Barely a minute after, a New Year...2011...begins. A Year not before known, yet filled with the promise of hope and anticipation of life a new. May you have health, happiness and hope today and always.

Wishing you Joy for the New Year.


gracie said…
Lovely thought. Sending good wishes fot the New Year to you.
Margaret said…
Have a wonderful New Year!
Happy New Year!! And thank you for commenting on my blog so often. I feel as though you've become my own personal cheerleader.
Happy Happy New Year...
I'm wishing you the best for the new year, Nancy
Sherry :o) said…
Happiness and peace to you and yours for the new year!
...and a very lovely wish to you and yours for a peaceful and happiest of new years!

ohiofarmgirl said…
The same wish to you too!! Blessings, Dianntha

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