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Going to make resolutions for the New Year. Why? Just another pressure one forces upon themselves. Having plans last year to dedicate this blog to all things stitching...especially samplers...I see now that didn't exactly happen. Not going to let that be a negative. No resolutions...just not feeling guilty for NOT...stitching, posting, dieting, exercising, organizing. You know, the all consuming list. Yes, I still want to tackle each and every one...especially stitching. Wish me luck!! And to all of you, a Happy New Year...take a little time to enjoy every day.
Not going to be in KNOTS this year. How about you?


Margaret said…
Well, I've only made resolutions in the sense that I'm going to do my best to do certain things. If I don't manage to do well, that's ok. :D
gracie said…
Never make new year resolutions...I would never keep them! Like the "not" lesson.....
Jan said…
Good way to enter the new year, theory is about most things, is what needs to get done, gets done in the long run and not to fret the small stuff. I do enjoy making goals for the new year, especially with my stitching. Think it has to do with a mindset of a clean slate, new year, wonderful new stitching habits, hopefully! Enjoy and keep the "joy" in your heart!
Andrea said…
I'm with you girlfriend...NOT one resolution did I make. Not one. And it feels pretty good. No knots for me ;)
I shall fly by the seat of my pants and do all the things I love to do with gusto and the things I don't do, or won't do, are of no concern to me, lol!
For me it's not about acheiving the dreams/goals, but simply about having them. To me having that dream to strive for makes all the difference. But you're right, it's not worth it if all it gives you is stress and guilt. Never feel guilty for what you didn't accomplish, but look with pride at everything you did!!!
Everyone needs goals. It's our motivation. But not to the point of stressing. Stitch, etc. to your delight with no pressure. I don't like knots, especially in my floss :)
Robin said…
I agree. Isn't stitching about de-stressing? My resolution is to enjoy stitching more and to stress less.
ohiofarmgirl said…
Maybe the resolution is to blog for fun and whatever turns up is ok!!! Dianntha
barbara said…
Not feeling guilty sounds good to me!!

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