Going to make resolutions for the New Year. Why? Just another pressure one forces upon themselves. Having plans last year to dedicate this blog to all things stitching...especially samplers...I see now that didn't exactly happen. Not going to let that be a negative. No resolutions...just not feeling guilty for NOT...stitching, posting, dieting, exercising, organizing. You know, the all consuming list. Yes, I still want to tackle each and every one...especially stitching. Wish me luck!! And to all of you, a Happy New Year...take a little time to enjoy every day.
With the thought anyone would stitch a design over and over...let alone seven times! This is not my stitching and I normally don't share the stitching of others. Although, I did finish the witch seven times. No, I won't stitch a bowl of wee witches, but I would stitch more than one if I knew who the designer was. Do you stitch a design more than once?
I shall fly by the seat of my pants and do all the things I love to do with gusto and the things I don't do, or won't do, are of no concern to me, lol!