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Good Fortune...

May not always be of monetary value and usually does come to each of us. Whether we recognize it as such is up to our interpretation.

The Nelson Atkins Museum is only a few minutes away and thanks to a dear friend, I have had the good fortune to attend opening exhibits...

No, I was not "deeded" a cup but enthusiastically shared the good fortune of a deserving friend.

A little music by Casey James...a former American Idol contestant

Monet's "Water Lilies" of only two of Monet's triptychs in the United States. No words could convey the pleasure of this experience...absolutely, breath taking.

Something as simple as a note left by the grandgirl who not only delights in gardening but leaving notes around for those she loves...that's good fortune.What do you consider good fortune?


BitsAndPieces said…
Delightful post, Joy. Love that note Lauren left for you.

Nancy said…
Going to the Monet Saturday. Looking forward to it. Need to get busy on my garden. Lazy today; maybe tomorrow. How's your new plant (JPPRPP)?
Andrea said…
Good friends are but one of my good fortunes. Not a lot (of friends). But just the right amount :)
Siobhán said…
Awww, I think my favorite is the note from your granddaughter!

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