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Happy Easter...

Spring, Stitching and Everything!

The "deer tray" is now filled with favorite little Spring treasures and continues to brighten a spot next to the stitching chair.

Our Kwanzan cherry tree is at it's best and the blossoms have endured the elements far better this year.

A basket of stitching was found among Easter decorations...look closely at the lining. A small table topper stitched when I was very young, a reminder, I've always enjoyed having a needle in hand. Funny though, I thought today's little girls were the only ones to like purple!May your Easter be filled with Happiness, Peace and Love.


Beth said…
En"joy"ed your basket of bunnies and your finishing skills. Aren't we luck that cross stitch is something young or older that we can enjoy!
A very happy Easter to you and yours.
Andrea said…
Happy Easter Joy!
Joanie said…
Happy Easter! I love your basket!

What pattern is the sheep in pink and the bunny with the carrot buttons? I love them!
Laurie in Iowa said…
Wishing you a Happy Easter.
Faye said…
The deer tray....The basket of beautiful pillows....What gorgeous designs you have stitched~~ Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos with us...Such a "Joy" to see! Have a blessed Easter Sunday. Always, Faye
BitsAndPieces said…
Lovely...all three photos.
What treasures in the basket!
Happy Easter,
Margaret said…
I love it all! Happy Easter to you and yours!
marly said…
What a gorgeous flower on that tree. Love all that is in your basket too. Happy Easter!
Anonymous said…
It's all very, very pretty. Is that some aida I see there? Didn't we all...
Have a wonderful Easter. P&L
barbara said…
What a beautiful post!
Siobhán said…
I love that basket full of goodies! I hope you had a good Easter.

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