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Is not something to take lightly in today's world...this I know. However, it seems as though our deck, flower boxes and just about every where we look, the birds have evicted us! Please don't misunderstand, we love birds and they are welcomed. My husband insists they take one look here and say "Look, there's Joy's place...let's stay!". I don't have the heart to tell him it may be because we have trees, bushes and lots of plants...unlike our neighbors.

A robin chose to build her nest right above the deck and is quite vocal when we want to dine outside.

These two doves are growing quickly but do not appear to want to leave. When trying to garden, I don't know who is most frightened of whom.

And this little guy (Carolina wren) screams at me when I want to use my back door! Could we not share?

Never mind its nest was built in MY window box! I purchased flowers for this box but guess the planting will wait until babies come and go. I would however like to know where they found the moss to make such a lovely home.We have so many more species and are enjoying them, but please....

Could we use the surroundings too?


Joanie said…
Oh Joy, I know just how you feel...we have barn swallows that nest in our barn and on our front porch. They dive bomb us whenever we come and go. I wish they'd share too. After all, we graciously provide them with all the bird seed they want!
BTW, I sent you an email regarding the wallet, it bounced. I LOVE IT! Thank you!
marly said…
I love the way your flower box nest looks! I'd keep it among the flowers somewhere after the little scrappers leave. When they're getting fed, they make an awful lot of noise for such little mouths!
Andrea said…
Too funny! I think those birdies know a good home when they see one, and that the owners are kind hearted and won't kick them out!
Last spring, a robin made a nest on top of our neighbors electrical meter box, it faces our side of the house, and we saw it when we drove into our garage. I had a lot of fun watching them. But it was a lot of DRAMA too, lol! Worry if the mean neighbor would rip the nest off, worry about the babies, etc. I was happy when they finally flew away and hubby and I took the nest down and saved it before the neighbor could destroy it. They are such jerks.
Anyhoo, I love birds so much and wish I had as many visiting our yard as you do :)

Sharyn said…
Love your post....and I thought WE were being held captive by our robin family! LOL! Hope your birdies become more tolerant!
Kathy Ellen said…
Aren't our little feathered friends just amazing? They can be so intriguing to observe their daily habits, but it might be a bit annoying to be startled by their little birdie screams when you least expect it! LOL!
Hello there! I completely understand your situation. We have Barn Swallows in a couple of our horse stalls. When they have a full nest, they dive bomb us when we feed the horses! No such thing as sharing space! LOL! But our feathered friends are beautiful, aren't they!
edie said…
I've had the pleasure of being in your wonderful backyard, and I know how the birds feel -- you never want to leave! Hugs to you.
Clearly the accommodations in your yard are far superior to all others. Enjoy your fine feathered visitors as they sing the praises for their good fortune.

Siobhán said…
LOL! Great pics!! We had a pair of house martins set up shop above the door to our deck, which is below our bedroom windows. I had to keep the windows closed in case they decided to try to come in the window, and we'd get dive bombed every time we opened up the back door. That said, I miss those little buggers and wish they came back to us this year.

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