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Military Heroes...

We all have them...someone departed that remains in our hearts...Daddy, you will always be my Hero. Or the young man you barely know wearing his service uniform while attending church this morning. Or perhaps, even one of the many military personnel that serve our country.

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was set aside to honor the fallen military heroes who gave their lives to protect us and our freedom. Today let's celebrate not only those who are gone, but also the many men and women willing to serve our Country. Say a prayer, a thank you...whatever is in your heart...please remember these brave souls.

"Any Nation that does not Honor its Heroes will not long endure."

Will you remember a Hero today?


Margaret said…
What a lovely Memorial Day post. I'm one of the few who haven't had a relative in the wars. But I do thank all those who had to sacrifice for their country.
Siobhán said…
What a beautiful post! I remember heroes every day--uncles, my dad, grandfathers, etc. I remember those who are serving today and thank all of them for the freedoms which we enjoy.
dana said…
Hi Joy!

What a great tribute to your dad and our military. I really enjoyed catching up with your recent posts, too.

I agree....the plants at The Square are the best ones I've found around.....cept for Farrand Farms, but they're expensive..BUT they're healthy and pretty.

Did you go to The Strawberry Festival? was so was a good thing they had strawberry shortcake with ice cream..that's what we were eating at 9:30 am.!!! :) I've eaten like a pig for days days...and have been a real slacker in my exercising. I'm still babying my foot that has the Plantar Fasciitis. I hate being gimpy!

Loved your post about the baby birds in your yard...we have a mama robin sitting on a nest in one of our little maples. She fusses at us when we come out and flies away until we are gone. :)

Hope you're having a good summer...I'll be glad when our weather cools a bit. It got too hot too soon!

L, Dana
Alma Allen said…
Hi Joy!

Love the picture of your dad! Isn't he just the hunk? Hope you are having a great summer!


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