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How to stay cool...

Alter pattern of exercise...
Really, who exercises in this weather?

Wear loose-fitting clothes, preferably 100% cotton...
Why wear clothes?

Keep a spray bottle of water in refrigerator
and use on your face after being outdoors...
Do I need to go outdoors?

Use fans with central air...
Why not...a/c bill will be high anyway?

Store lotions in refrigerator to use on hot feet...
Isn't this border-line freaky?

Keep plastic bottles of water in freezer,
grab one when you go outside...
I'm not going outside!

Drink plenty of water...
In my coffee count?

Eat lighter "summer fare"...
Will he understand this when he asks,
"What's for dinner?"

Avoid caffeine and alcohol...
Oops...see drink plenty of water.

Use common sense...
The prior hint must not apply to me.

Just how do fairies, and you, keep cool?


Margaret said…
Good advice for sure! Staying cool is an artform during the summer. lol!
Robin said…
You missed the mandatory floating in the pool on the pretense that you will kick your legs and exercise.
PegC said…
Way to funny. Especially after spending 6 hours outside in long sleeves, long jeans, wellies, gloves in 93 degree weather weeding, pruning..sweating profusly. could have used the pool in comment #2 (though created my own I'm thinking), could have used water, caffiene, pop, whatever in any and all amounts. Ahhhh summer.
marly said…
With continuous hot flashes, it's hard to tell what's making me sweat- is it hot or is it menopause? These days - BOTH!!!!
Kimmie said…
Dh is working on the bathroom renov. He went into the garage and came into the house. He announced, "Coming INTO the house is making me sweat!" I told him in that case it was condensation...not sweat. LOL
Anonymous said…
I don't know how my fairies keep cool now their swimmin' hole has dried up. Me... beer, coca cola and cold showers!! ;)
Siobhán said…
I like Robin's floating in the pool idea!! LOL
Lynn said…
This is cute :) We've been eating a lot of fruit and drinking smoothies. And wearing shorts, even if the lily white legs are blinding.

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