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The Holiday Season...

Is upon us and I'm having fun. Fun doing a lot for "joy" that a staycation. Oh yes, the tree and house are decorated, but I'm told I should be shopping. I'm just not a shopper and since there hasn't been a road trip for a good long while, time spent playing in our hometown seemed in order.

A lovely room with the view of the Plaza Lights.

Christmas Acoustic Concert

New place for breakfast and best coffee ever!

Visit to Irma Starr's studio with an addition to the red ware collection.

Of course, First Friday shopping in the west bottoms. Why is it I'm drawn to disco balls and teasel? The upside down tomato cages are just a fun way to hold greenery.
There was much more packed into twenty four hours, but you tell me...

Can you have too much fun?


Nancy said…
It looks like you had a very enjoyable time - I had a good time looking at your photos!
Kim said…
It lloks like so much fun!!! I love the shop with the giant disco ball, we used to have a shop like that called "The Blissful" but it closed and I still miss it!!! I am going to Pine Tree Barn Barn on Sunday and will post pictures on my blog!! Happy Holidays~
Margaret said…
Oh what fun! I want a nice shopping trip too.....
Kimmie said…
That sounds fabulous!!! Love the pics!!!
Anonymous said…
You can neva have too much fun!!! Looking forward to today's adventure. :)
Sherry :o) said…
Never, ever too much fun. Your breakfast looks amazing!
Nancy Willis said…
You do the "bestest" things. :-)
Siobhán said…
It looks like such a fun time! Oh, that redware...

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