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Seem to be running me to the brink of no sleep these days.  For me, emotions are just a roller coaster of life...not bad, not great.  Just life.  It's difficult to stitch on a roller coaster, so I'm sharing a little piece stitched for the youngest grandgirl.  It's by Homespun Elegance. Sorry to say the pattern is no where to be found.  I  will probably find it in the middle of the night. Who needs sleep?!! I do remember changing all the colors to match the little lady's taste. In the mean time...

How's your roller coaster of life?


Margaret said…
Oh my gosh, that is the sweetest piece! How wonderful that you stitched it for your grandchild! I love it!

I hate those times when the roller coaster of life is such that it affects things like stitching or sleeping or other vital things like that. I hope things calm down for you soon.
Melissa said…
Oh Joy, I'm right there with you. I've been doing through some these last couple of weeks - emotional, physical...not the worst I've ever had by any means but still... I hope you ride this out.

I love what you stitched! It's so sweet and the frame is perfect for it!

Take care!
P.J. said…
Must be in the air! I've been doing a lot of reading up on perimenopause and menopause, cuz I don't know what the heck is going with my emotions lately either. It may explain what I am going through, but it don't make me feel any better. I am only 43.

I stitched this pattern for my husband's cousin's first born. I added the babies name and DOB across the top. It is a sweet pattern. Love the way you change the color to suite your granddaughter, very special.
Joy, I love those colors! It is so prety! I am on a rollercoaster everyday!! lol
Laurie in Iowa said…
The sampler is so sweet... perfect for your grandchild.
marly said…
A roller coaster is menopause on rails. Fun, fear, sharp turns, screaming, extreme highs, deep lows, all within minutes! I took an antidepressant for a while and it helped. Now I can take deep breaths and relax before I explode.
Nicola said…
I love your colour choices. I have this stitched up, it was such a fun piece to do.
very beautiful

bisous de France
gracie said…
It is nice to know that none of us is alone with emotions up and down and sometimes even side ways! Sending hugs to you....
Krista said…
What a sweet stitch!
P.J. said…
Joy, I love the sampler In your header photo, can you tell me the name of the pattern. I really like the saying, along with the color tones. I may need to add this to my list.

Keep on stitching.
Sandra said…
Hi Joy,
Just going through Blog posts this morning and was thrilled to see my design on your Blog site. It is "Until First Light". I love your choice of colors and the beautiful frame.
Many Happy Stitches,
Homespun Elegance
Charlene ♥ NC said…
How lovely - such a sweet piece for a little girl darling! Hang in there - take a deep breath, a few minutes for a peaceful bath or what ever you enjoy, and the bustle may slow down for a little while. Take care of YOU!
Robin said…
Your finish is so pretty! There is so much to look at and admire in this little beaty that it took a few moments before I realized it was framed! (Which means the framing is perfect.) I LOVE those french-knotted sheepies!
Nancy Willis said…
Roller Coaster?!! Carousel?! All of the carnival rides on the midway! :-)
Anne said…
:( Sorry to hear that you have been getting very little sleep and life has been throwing you on a coaster ride. Things will look up soon I'm sure of it! Beautiful little stitched piece!!
Deb said…
Such a sweet sampler. I love the little sheep in it!!
Penny said…
What a lovely sampler. The sheep are so sweet. :)
I can relate to the roller coaster. I hope things settle down for you soon.
Patty C. said…
This is just darling !!!
Siobhán said…
Oh my gosh--what beautiful stitching!! How sweet that your granddaughter stitched it.

Emotions--let's just say that last week I was at the doctor's office, asking for meds because I can't seem to handle the swing of emotions. I did get some sleeping pills but still wake with nightmares. Blergh. Hope your roller coaster comes to a smooth patch!
Rita said…
Beautiful finish! I love the color changes...and those cute little sheep. :-)

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