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Not blind or deaf....

But it sure is difficult to post comments with the recent change.  Yes, I realize there may be a need to prove I'm not a "robot", however, these are not easy to read...and this is an easy one!  Don't even ask what I think about listening for the's crazy!?!

Or is it just me?


Charlene ♥ NC said…
Not just you! Really? What's up with this? I took it off my blog! I can't read the first one being offered here... and this one isn't much better...
Nicola said…
It is sooooo frustrating especially with predictive text on iPads.

I thought I had turned it off but have been told it is still on.

How do We turn word verification off?
Deb said…
I think this new verification thing is a pain in the butt. I find it hard to find time to comment as it is, but having to go through a word verification four times because I can't read what it says is ridiculous! I have to agree that what you posted is about the clearest I've seen.
Laurie in Iowa said…
I've turned word verification off... and since it's taking to long for me to get the two words correct on the current blogger word verification I may have to resort to not leaving comments on blogs were it's still required... which would be a shame.
This is just plan ridiculous
LOL, I'm so happy someone mentioned this...I've got to get really close and squint sometimes...I DO NOT LIKE IT.
Margaret said…
Yup, the new word verification is awful!!!! There are times I think I'm getting the hang of it, and then a bunch of hard ones come along and I decide I'm none the wiser after all. lol! I'm glad I got rid of the word verification on my blog before this came along! (PS: I see you still have word verification. lol!)
Joy said…
Hopefully, I have stopped it!!
Laurie in Iowa said…
Yes you have turned it off... thank you!
Chris said…
It is very hard. After 3 tries I give up!! I hope that it gets easier :)
Krista said…
oh, I agree Joy! These are so difficult to read. I hope they change it soon, I am sure they are getting many complaints. Have a great day :)
Anne said…
It's ridiculous! I'm having a hard time reading it too! I took it off my blog but put it back on because I was getting strange comments from foreign anonymous users. I don't want to do the "approved" method either. It'll clog up my email account which is so full already. Sigh. I wish they didn't change it!
Kimmie said…
It's not just you.....sooooo annoying. I usually have to take 2 shots at it. LOL
gracie said…
Oh so happy I am not alone with this! I never had this method on my blog, and I espect the wishes of others, but there are times I feel like my comment will never make it! So there are times I can not read the key words for the 5th time and I a robot!!!!
Patty C. said…
Im definitely in your corner !!!!
edie said…
OMG! The other day it took me five times to leave a comment! It definitely is not just you! How you doing otherwise? edie
Robin said…
It is not just you. I mean really, it's blogging not the National Defense System. What is up with these difficulty to read words? I do a lot from my iPad and they are very hard to read. Progress I guess.

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