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Jumping of the fence brings pussy willow branches into the home.  Not only are they a favorite, it's fun to see how quickly the furry little catkins appear once brought indoors.

A favorite branch along with a favorite sampler brings a little early spring to the mantle.  The "Sarah Whiteley Sampler" was published in 1985 by Creative Designs with a price tag of $3.50 on the cover.  Now when was the last time you saw that price on a cross stitch pattern?!  Spring, spring...can you tell I'm ready...

Are you?


marly said…
I love your photos and decorating! Looks like a very lovely home.
Laurie in Iowa said…
A wonderful combination to welcome in Spring.
Deb said…
I love pussy willows and didn't know that they open up quickly when bought indoors. And love the sampler too with the red house. I don't think that I've seen a sampler priced that low in a long, long time!
Joanie said…
What a beautiful sampler and yes, I love forcing pussy willow branches. A true touch of Spring in your beautiful home!
Margaret said…
Oh yes, I'm ready for spring too! Love the pussy willows -- and that piece is gorgeous!
Deborah said…
I just love the pussy willows! I am ready for some warmer weather.
Nicola said…
I have learnt something about pussy willows from your blog. I will bring some in from the garden in the morning. Your home looks beautiful, so warm and welcoming.

Wishing you a good weekend.
P.J. said…
Spring has been postponed in Maine, we are getting a good, sturdy snow storm right now. Love pussy willow, nice touch. I like to cut branches of red twig dogwood. The bright red branches with soft green and white striped leaflets start to sprout. Very cheery.
Anonymous said…
Love it all and you too my friend. First Friday tomorrow!!!!!!! :)
Chris said…
I love pussy willows. I love that sampler too :)
Happy Friday!
Katrina said…
Pussy willows are so pretty, they remind me of visiting my grandmother, she had them growing wild along the roads.
Anne said…
Beautiful pussy willows! I love them! They remind me of Palm Sunday when we make little pussy willow bouquets instead of palms! Lovely sampler too!!
Geneva said…
I love the idea of bringing pussy willow branches inside. They look very nice in your knew just how to display them! I can't help but admire your beautiful sampler as well. Good Job!
Quiltsmiles said…
Spring brings hope eternal....., esp. with daffodils and the buds bursting forth.
I love that you are having pussy willows already. I live in Zone 4 and they are still a long ways off.

Your sampler looks fantastic showcased with the brickwork behind and the pottery filled with pussy willow branches. Jane
Siobhán said…
Love the pussy willows--and the sampler! Your decorating is so nice.
Michelle said…
Oh I just love pussy willows - what a beautiful combination with your sampler for spring!

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