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March Madness...

Is typically associated with the NCCA Basketball Tournament games.  For me it's just maddening to think March is so busy and flying by.  Was First Friday almost three weeks ago?!  Oh, the story this tag tells...

Then we've had another birthday...seriously nine already?!

It's so much fun to spend time with a happy, creative "free spirit" filled with peace and love.  Note the bright socks...they're so she can see should the lights go out.  LOL

And while on the subject of "madness"...I refuse to let change get the best of me!  My thought was to redo the look of my know lighter and brighter...well, after writing this post, maybe it's a little too maddening.

What March Madness have you been up too?


Margaret said…
I like how your blog looks! No need for change. Happy birthday to the birthday girl! Love your tag too. Very appropriate!
Nancy Willis said…
Okay, I've been watching basketball (should I hang my head in shame?). Mizzou lost certainly destroyed my bracket! Oh, well, there's plenty of other exciting things to think about. :-)
Joy said…
Nancy, we both will have too...what happened to our guys?
I really like the new look! And happy birthday to your girl! Time does fly doesn't it.
BitsAndPieces said…
Another great tag! Such a pretty birthday girl!
Dona said…
A very pretty tag. And Happy Birthday to your free spirit! Very nice socks!
Krista said…
Hi Joy, It looks like the birthday girl had a fun day!

I am passing on some love to you, a 'liebster' blog award, when you have a chance check it out at my blog.

Enjoy your weekend!!
Siobhán said…
Happy birthday to that cutie patootie! :) The tag looks great.

March madness has seen me doing a whole lot of nothing! I need to settle down and get working on something!

Have a great weekend. xo
Sue said…
I'm so happy to have found you through Krista's blog! I'm really enjoying yours!
Dani - tkdchick said…
Your daughter looks adorable wish her a belated happy birthday for me!
Nicola said…
Such a beautiful photo of the birthday girl. Oh to be young again.
Sharon said…
Joy, I gave you a Leibster award on my blog.
Kimmie said…
Tee-hee.....I gave you a Liebster award.....

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