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Am I the only one...

Who decorates for Christmas through out the whole house? Has a deer collection that is easily incorporated into the holiday? Enjoys morning coffee in a mug which was a gift from her son?

Saves old ornaments regardless of their condition?
Has a childhood "Chianti wine" ornament? Who knew?
And has a grandgirl who inspires them to decorate with a warm, happy heart?
Perhaps one should decorate right after Thanksgiving while still feeling the fullness of being thankful. Tell me, am I the only one?


gracie said…
no...i fit the description fairly well....looking lovely....
Sandra said…
Hi Joy
I began my Christmas decorating today. We have to make room for our huge Christmas tree, which we hope to get tomorrow. It is crazy. I have to move this big blanket chest to the porch, but the chest is full of Christmas stuff, so that has to be emptied first before we can lift it. The things we do around here for Christmas. This tree is our family tree. It is a hodge podge of all kinds of wonderful things. Then there are all the other trees I decorate. I hope to put pictures on my blog of those. Happy decorating Joy.
Merry Stitches,
Andrea said…
You make me smile :)
Your joyful heart shines through in your posts.
Robin said…
Oh yes, there is something peaceful about decorating the tree right after Thanksgiving before all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season gets underway.
BitsAndPieces said…
Hi Joy,
You are not alone. I tend to decorate here and there throughout the house. I love old and new ornaments. Some were given to me by friends, and I love all the memories connected with them.

Happy decorating!
Siobhán said…
Your decorations are wonderful! Your holiday spirit comes through in your post. :) This year has been tough so I'm not feeling as joyful, except of course in the religious sense. I'm looking forward to Christmas 2011 already. ;)
Anonymous said…
When am I going to get to see this masterpiece of yours?!! ;)
ohiofarmgirl said…
I usually decorate every room and outside and even the I love to decorate! Dianntha

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