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Car's in the shop and almost ready...thank goodness it wasn't totaled and she had insurance, not to mention she waited in the parking lot for us. Just how does one back into a parked car? In a hurry or on the a cell phone...maybe both?

Summer slip covers off and summer curtains down...nice warm cozy feeling now. Entry way paint chosen...hope to have it painted before the holidays. Slow down, November!

Computer's running smoothly once again...I would not recommend Norton Anti Virus to anyone! Maybe now I can take the time to play around with blog colors...I know it's difficult to read for some.

And look...stitching right along on the "Christmas Sampler"! Not worrying about the will probably need a little "dip" in dye anyway. Although after working on 28ct, I hope I will be able to go to a 35ct next project. Wow...28ct is like throwing the needle thru the fabric! Anyway, not much longer and it will be ready for framing...hope my friend has a frame in her basement;)

Thank you to those who left comments on my "tweaking"...they inspire me to carry on. Andrea, the name of the pattern is "Christmas Sampler" by Sheepish Designs. Jewel, I don't mind being an old favorite.

Frost on the pumpkins tonight...perfect stitching weather!


KarenV said…
What a lovely design, pretty colours.
Andrea said…
OMG, Joy! The car part gave me pause! I'm so glad it wasn't more serious! We've had people back into us in parking lots before...not fun! Wish folks would pay closer repairs are such a pain!

You're moving right along on your Christmas Sampler...thanks for the name of it ;)...I like the colors!

Maybe you will share pictures of your painting when you're done?

Unknown said…
Pretty sampler!

You'd be surprised at how many claims we take for hit parked cars. You got "lucky" that she hung around. Most victims don't even find a note, let alone the guilty party, and get stuck with their deductible (if they have even kept up their collision coverage). We have an older clientelle, and we get a fair amount of claims from the hitters, too. It's so tempting sometimes to tell people it's time to give up the keys, but we're not allowed to do so. :(
Melissa said…
Hi Joy!

Glad for stopping by my blog today. What lovely stitching you have! The SD Christmas Sampler is soooo pretty!
Sharon said…
I have been trying to find this design to purchase but with no luck. It is out of print?
Joy said… may be. Do you have a blog? If not, send me your email and I will let you know when I'm finished with mine.

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