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Page by page...

I'm moving on! And though I still don't care for "multiple page" charts, progress has been made. Thank you to all who shared suggestions regarding my dilemma of being overwhelmed by 14 pages of "Elizabeth Savilles". Your comments were appreciated and gave me the push needed to just start stitching. Truly, it hasn't been so bad. I did however piece together every page...something about seeing the chart in it's entirety seemed less daunting. Elizabeth has certainly had her challenges what with chart, fabric and floss...

Surprisingly, the colors show better here than the actual stitching. And I'm convinced the photo on the pattern is of an entirely different sampler! The pattern calls for 32 count Vintage Meadow Rue from Lakeside Linens which was in my stash, but with only 1/2" around the design thought it wise not to use it. Pulling from that stash, I found another 32 count fabric that looked to be just a shade lighter...until I started stitching, that is. And then there's Olde Willow Threads, not my favorite. As Laurie from Corgi Cottage said, "The green is wimpy". I certainly have to agree on that one! Concerned none of the green would show, I pulled a WDW thread from the stash and mixed it in. Thank goodness for the "stash"!With all that being said, Elizabeth is still a favorite. I'm hoping gardening doesn't interfere with her continued progress. We are having a couple of 90 degree days...good reason to stitch.

What would you choose, stitching or gardening?


Kimmie said…
The birdies do look a little pasty. LOL.

I'm a reader myself, but I'd choose stitching. Dirt is not my friend. That's why I plant perennials. Plant them once and let them go. LOL
Laurie in Iowa said…
Your Elizabeth looks so pretty. I'm glad you found a solution to the wimpy green dilemma.
We've had such cold, wet weather that I'm really looking forward to working out in the garden this morning. I haven't gotten to do much in the garden this season... so some weeding and trimming is in order.
Melissa said…
Yah, hooray for you Joy! Elizabeth is looking wonderful! (There is hope for me yet!) I think the green you chose is lovely.

You're right about the photo of the chart - I think it was the original piece, then they chose different fibers because they certainly look very different. Some day I will restart mine with different fibers.

I am very happy that this is working out so well for you now!
Stitching!!! No contest. I adore flowers but hate playing in the mud :) The green in the pattern is nice but the pink is just lovely.
marly said…
Your colors look wonderful! Stitching or gardening? I dug a hole to plant a tree yesterday and my arthritic fingers can't hold a needle today. I say stitch first, garden later! Unless you're young.
Margaret said…
I love your Elizabeth -- she's gorgeous! The colors are wonderful! As for stitching or gardening -- no contest. Stitching. lol!
Kathy Ellen said…
Your Elizabeth Savilles piece is coming along beautifully, despite some of the challenges you have felt getting her going. I especially love the center wreath with the little birds. I change threads all the time if I feel that the recommended ones are not working for me.

As for choosing gardening or stitching, I choose stitching every time, although I do plant annuals around my trees and side gardens every year. Just love the added cheeriness that they provide.
KarenV said…
Elizabeth is looking beautiful! I really love the combination of colours in this piece, especially that pink, so pretty :)
Dona said…
Your Elizabeth is very pretty! This is a WIP of mine. It seems to me the Olde Willow Threads knot easier than others. Good idea to mix in the other green!
Siobhán said…
It is SO pretty!! I just love that pink. It'd be a nice companion to Ann Grant, don't you think?? Ack, I wish I hadn't thought of that. I have a thing for matching stuff...

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