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"I will honor Christmas...

in my heart and try to keep it all the year."  Wonderful thought for every year.

This quote has so many possibilities and I suppose could be interpreted in many ways.  As for myself and the Jewel, we are on the lookout all year for each other's Christmas gifts.  And as the year comes to an end, usually there's a theme.

As this is the best part of Christmas for myself, I sadly forget about taking pictures.  Trust me, the tray and contents, along with the box, were brimming with wonderfulness!  And yes, I still have my flip flops on.  If you believe in Christmas,  you can believe you're on a beach.

Here's a bit of my thought process...something she taught me.  Finding mementos on outings throughout the year.  Some right under each other's noses.  Every little piece tells a story.

Books with somewhat of a theme.

More than gifts, friendships, or relationships of any kind, are to be honored and kept all year.

How about you, have you thought about this quote?


Margaret said…
That is so sweet. I like how you collect gifts for each other. The Dickens quote is the best. I love Dickens.
Anonymous said…
That was the line of the first cross stitch project I made for my husband (for a Christmas gift). I love the sentiment and think it would be lovely if we could keep that feeling of peace and unity (which are my thoughts of Christmas) year round in our hearts and in our actions. <3
Carol said…
I've always loved that sentiment, too... And how sweet that such special gifts are tucked away throughout the year... I need to try that this year :)
BitsAndPieces said…
Finding little trinkets and treasures for others
does extend Christmas joy throughout the
year. Love the pictures with your post,
especially the one of you in that cozy setting.
Dickens quote is such a perfect reminder.


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