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Packing it...

All away saddens me a little this year.  2014 was a true year of change and I'm certain 2015 will be also.  Perhaps, the key to any change is acceptance and finding joy in the little things.  Better yet, searching out and doing what makes you happy!

Not all Christmas will be is still winter after all.  I kind of "slide" from one holiday into another.   As this piece is usually out of doors, it was so much fun to repurpose it for indoors.

This photo will be on my computer screen, reminding me that there is always good in change!

Packing away and remembering the good in 2015.  How about you?


We packed it away on Monday! But, the wrought iron tree was returned to its spot and is now filled with winter stitches that make me smile.

Enjoy your week!

Robin in Virginia
Beth in NEPA said…
I really like that stacked tin holder.
Sue said…
I found your blog through the FB link and it has been a pleasure reading through it--I will be back. Your stacked tin holder is so nice, and what a great idea to refer back to such an outstanding photo!
ohio farm girl said…
I agree..taking down the twinkle and sparkle reminds me that we all go back to our schedules and don't see each other as often. As I took mine down I remembered all the Christmas's with my Mom and how she adored Family and Christmas...It made me miss her even then I had to cry as I took them has been a long 3 years. Dianntha
Margaret said…
We pack away before New Years -- it's something my mom did and I continue with that tradition. We left some Christmas lights on the mantel though. I think we'll leave them there all year.
Catherine said…
Christmas is all packed ~ but some of the pieces that are more winter than Christmas stay out. I will soon pull out my Valentines pieces.
Unknown said…
I love your decorating and stitching. I was wondering if you would like to sell your Sarah Whiteley sampler chart?I have been looking for it and unable to find it. Maybe I would something you are looking for I have been stitching since 1979. I would so appreciate you selling it to me Thanks Kim

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