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Too attached...

To my "stuff" or at least that's what the oldest grand accuses me of.  While she is a very smart young lady, she is a 16 year old and can't possibly understand the value of stuff.  And besides, I prefer the word treasures.

Many years have gone into finding, saving and using my treasures.  The real coup is in finding bargains, and yes, I have been known to dive into a dumpster!  It's amazing to me what others discard.  On occasion it hits me, I have too much stuff (I mean too many treasures) and decide to purge.  And what happens?  It had a purpose all along.

For example an old frame.  It had been in the basement forever until one day a sampler fit into it perfectly.   And yesterday, a thought hit me...maybe I could use it for another one of my favorite pieces.   Yes!  This is why I'm "attached to my stuff" fit perfectly!

How about you, are you attached to your stuff?


P.J. said…
Beautiful fit!! I like my stuff. :)
What a fabulous looking frame and what a great fit for your piece! Hmmm...I don't know if I am really attached or just can't bear the thought of throwing good stuff out.

Enjoy your weekend, Joy!

Robin in Virginia
marly said…
I don't know why but it usually doesn't bother me to part with things. Strange. I actually feel good about paring down!
Chris said…
That frame is a treasure. So glad that you hung onto it!
BitsAndPieces said…
Yes, very much so. With many of my "treasures"
I can remember a place, a friend, a bargain, etc.
Your sampler and frame look wonderful together.
It proves some stuff is worth
hanging onto.

Margaret said…
Very pretty! How serendipitous! Yes, I'm attached to my stuff too. For sure!
Quiltsmiles said…
Looks great. I too am attached to my stuff. Seems like whenever I finally let something go that hasn't been used in years that within 2 weeks there's a need and I wish I had kept the item. It's happened often enough so I really have trouble letting my stuff go.
Frames though, I keep, they are so expensive and the older the better most of the time.
Yours looks wonderful with your stitchery.

wranglerkate said…
That's just beautiful!! What designer/title is that? Thanks so much for sharing.
Carol said…
What a charming frame to complement your pretty stitching, Joy!! I love "rescuing" things that others have put out to the curb :)
Linda said…
I don't think I am attached to my stuff at all. I have purged many things over the years and have never been happier. My motto: less=more. You have a lovely blog.
valerie said…
Great fit! I am attached to my stuff but I am trying to let things go more. I see how my mom is and she is way too attached to her things...they seem more important to her than people. But sometimes things need saving...especially if they become treasures.
Lynn said…
That piece looks like it was made for that frame. Beautiful! I find that as I age I'm becoming more and more attached to some things. I find myself visiting antique and thrift shops more frequently and coming home with more treasures.

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